Chamber of Commerce Elections June 2011

Dear Residents,

Elections are starting again to select a resident for serving as new chairperson for the Lionheart Resident’s organized and governed Chamber of Commerce!

An election is always in need of candidates! Therefore, I would like to ask those who wish to run for this office, to send a notecard containing:

  • A short introduction about yourself and your business here at Lionheart
  • Your ideas and visions for the chamber
  • A full permission portrait of your avatar

to the profile of Dirk Klees in Second Life.

Please write the above mentioned information in a form which is ready to be published. Both (the provided information and the portrait) will be published as a blog post for allowing everyone to acquaint themselves with the candidates before election day.

Deadline for sending in your notecard is Sunday, May 29th 2011.

What are the responsibilities as chairperson?

The chamber of commerce is a resident-run volunteer organization within Lionheart, with the objective to help one another and make efforts to promote your businesses in order to attract customers to your businesses. As such, every member is asked to actively help and collaborate to bring the cause itself forward. The chairperson is keeping this group together, organizes meetings of the chamber (at least one meeting of the CoC per month at our CoC meeting room), keeps notes of them, and helps coordinating the efforts the group makes together. He/She is also contact person, specially for new members, to help them to orientate themselves within the organization and learn how they can participate within the chamber.

New Term length

For the first time since the chamber was founded, we’re going to extend the term length for the office holder of the chamber of commerce from six to nine months. The experience with previous terms has convinced us that six months may simply be too short of a timeframe to allow for a chairperson accomplish much. We hope, that the new term length of nine months makes it easier to plan long term for the new chairperson.

Eligibility requirements for candidacy

The nomination of a chairperson for the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce is for a period of nine months. For this reason, you should have real intentions to remain a Lionheart merchant for this period, to be a reliable contact person for other merchants who wish to participate in the community, and to be able to devote part of your time to CoC founded projects. Proficiency in knowledge about how a Second Life business works and needs to be organized in order to function, are incredibly helpful assets in order to bring the community forward and help their members to become more successful in what they do in Second Life.

How do i become member of the CoC?

As a Lionheart Merchant (any resident currently owning at least one commercial parcel at Lionheart) you can request an automatic group invite using your parcel’s terminal. Go: My Account > Groups > Chamber.

Stay tuned for an update following this, on the discussion of candidates! :)

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