Great Expectations for the Chamber

The polls are running, for a few remaining hours of today. Our Chamber of Commerce group awaits to learn of who will be their new chairman for this year’s term. Who will walk away in lead of this election? No one knows just yet, but the best man will of course.

Keeping in mind that the new term lasts for nine months for now on, versus the six month setting of the past. It’s unclear at this point for what exactly the future brings but one thing is for certain, that is the two candidates who are running for CoC 2011 Election have both revealed intellectual examples about their goals and expectations for the group. I was fortunate to have a one on one meeting with each candidate. The goal was for us three to meet in a single setting, but due to unfortunate circumstances, candidate Talisien Llewellyn had to take a rain check for later. Despite not receiving the opportunity to come together as three, it amazes me by just how in sync both candidates are with their thoughts.

This is a short blog update, but I do want  to commend both Fabiano Ferina and Talisien Llewellyn for their courage to run in this election. The duties behind the place they compete for will surely put the elected official to the test during these next nine months. Since the Chamber of Commerce is a community establishment, the challenges faced by its members will need full support given by everyone and for merchants to stand behind their leader.

Lionheart is proud to share this experience and looks forward to see what is in store for the Merchant community. Word has it that you can expect to see more grid hunts, sales promotion, introductions of group workshops and classes, offered and taught by the members themselves, as well improved use of the Lionheart Business Listings. At this point it’s all speculation, at least until after someone takes the seat and the first Chamber meeting is held. Still, you’ve got to admit that the future of the Chamber holds an intriguing tale and promises a great outlook.

Voting for the 2011-2012 CoC chairperson ends tonight. An active voting station is available in the Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room until then.

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