Lionheart Landowner Crash Course

Dear Residents,

Over the past several years that we have been providing a land service at Lionheart Virtual Estate, we have continually found that there is a need to try to help educate customers on landownership basics in order to teach them firsthand how “owning land” works. We find this knowledge to be essential so that they are better prepared to deal with the various benefits, responsibilities and risks involved. We have found that although there are many landowners that do have prior experience, some are still very uncertain about how to work with the provided land options and tools.

Lionheart will provide a “Landowner Crash Course”, a rapid course with a strong focus on the About Land window, which lets you access most of your land’s functions, and gives you more information about the land you own. In this course you will learn:

  • How to change the parcel name, description and image to something suitable.
  • How to work with groups, briefly covering the purposes and important risks to be aware of.
  • The benefits of using auto-return to reduce the chances of, or prevent altogether, object littering.
  • How to maintain privacy and security through the use of ban lists and security systems (while preventing ban lines), and how to report cases of abuse.
  •  Selling land with the inclusion of setting a considerable price, using a ‘For Sale’ sign, and details on the exchange of tier time balances through transfer of ownership.
  • Working with media settings (including the restriction of spatial sounds to their own land) to load audio, video, and web content.
  • Viewing property boundaries to learn where your parcel ends and where your neighbor’s begins, so to prevent disputes involving overlapping primitives  and returned objects.
  • The difference between the two available roles for land contracts, including how to use your LEMS parcel terminal to add and remove users from these roles.

Our aim is to keep this course short and simple, while to still provide a mind-awakening exercise which rewards landowners with useful tips and techniques that will ensure they can have an enjoyable and memorable experience. This is not a comprehensive learning course, but we have made sure to include the most relevant and crucial topics that arose in customer support cases of the past.

Classes meet once a week from 1:00-2:00 p.m. PDT at the Community Auditorium, every Tuesday, starting August 2nd. Non-landowners are welcome, of course—the whole point of the class is to learn how to take good care of your land while getting the most out of it. Click on over to the Event Calendar to view the upcoming schedule.

We are very excited about this! We hope you will join us on Tuesday afternoons—if you can’t commit to the class, at least stop by and say hi!

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