Mentions about Lionheart

Sometimes, we stumble upon articles and blog posts other people have written about us. We try to carry these finds together and create an archive on this page for your convenience.

September 2013

The Lionheart Estates – By Becky Shamen

July 2013

Walking around Lionheart (Pumbaa)

May 2013

2nd Help: Land: Lionheart Estates

Au coin de la rue

Return of the dispossessed

March 2013

Lionheart’s Residents organized a St. Patrick Day’s march on Lionheart’s sims

January 2013

Kitty-cat at the End of the World

Rethinking the lion (from within a Bamboo refuge)

December 2012

Reviewing 2012, and the coming of 2013 (after the end of the world that never came)

April 2012

Buying land in Second Life with Beau, 4/25/12

Check out from Minute 0:35 on.

May 2011

Hobo Haunts Episode 2

February 2011

Early morning footing in Lionheart (Second Life)
Video on YouTube in two parts, by Uggo Vieria.

October 2010

Model Railroading in Second Life

August 2010

Chamber of Commerce Election Weekend

April 2010

Distractions, Neighbors and Bunnies.. Oh My!

Lionheart’s “Howdy Neighbor Day”

Lionheart Virtual Real Estate Expanding Tour

August 2009

Themed and Seamless Estate “Continents” – Some of My Favourites

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