New Landstore opened at LL Infohub

Dear Residents,

we proudly announce the opening of our newest investment:
Our new Landstore directly located at LL’s famous Calleta Hobo Railroad Infohub (Mainland).

We have installed our community presenter board as well, showing your published web listing entries.

This location is a very important one for us, as in its function as one of Linden Labs Infohubs its one of the primary landing points for new residents as well as a very famous hangout for older residents, specially the urban / hobo scene. The visitor numbers at this infohub everyday belongs to the best natural traffic locations on the grid.

For Lionheart Merchants this place will hopefully become your most important (and free) advertisement resource to attract potential customers from mainland to your location at Lionheart. To activate your free advertising, click your parcel terminal and choose from the menu: Main Menu > Web Listing. You need to choose a category and setup an image. Remember, the more informative it is, the more visitors it might attract. Please keep images PG.

To visit our new Landstore inworld, click here.

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